photo by Gary Crow |
Joe is a retirement Wizard! He searches the Web looking for the best web
sites on lifestyles, travel, social security, and other issues concerning
people over 50 years of age. You can catch the news about retirement at his
Retirement Living page at WZ.com. And sign up for his bi-weekly ezine!
Joe is also a San Francisco Bay Area Travel Wizard! He searches the Web looking for the best web
sites on California's most beautiful city and surrounding communities. From San Jose to Vallejo, from Marin County to Alameda County, and all points in-between, learn about what makes the Bay Area one of the best places to visit.
You can catch the news about the San Francisco Bay Area at his
San Francisco Bay Area Travel page at WZ.com. And sign up for his bi-weekly ezine!
Making Money by Being Funny? You Gotta be Joking!
How to Become Funnier and Get Paid to Make People Laugh . ..
Even if you can't tell a joke!
Learn from the man who helped Robin Williams, Paula
Poundstone, Kevin Meany, Rob Schneider, and Dana Carvey get
their first breaks.
Humor coach John Cantu reveals the Wrong Way -- and the Right
Way -- to make money with humor.
"The most fun way to earn an extra $700 to $7,000 amonth."